
Create Giveaways On Your Discord Server Quickly And Easily!

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Start Creating Giveaways!! - Shows the available command for Giveaway Bot, [command] to get the description and usage of the command

..create - Create a giveaway indirectly or step by step.

..start [time] [winner] [prize] - Starts a giveaway with the provided number of seconds. For example, ..start 15m 2w PS 4 would start a 15-minutes giveaway for a PS 4 with 2 winners! To use minutes/hours/days/weeks instead of seconds, simply include an "m", "h", "d", or "w" in the time ~ ..start 3m would be a 3-minutes giveaway.

..end - Ends a specific giveaways you want to instantly. Bot will still determine a random winner(s). Use ..end [MessageID]

..reroll - Determines a winner from a specific giveaway. You can use ..reroll [MessageID]

..delete - Let you delete a giveaway that is running. Using this delete method will prevent the bot from crash and amount of giveaway that's running [Max Is 20 Giveaways Per Server]. ..delete [MessageID]

..edit - Allows user to edit a specific giveaway in current channel. Giveaway still ongoing and the giveaway are edited. ..edit [MessageID] [time] [winners] [prize]

..list - List all of the current-running giveaway(s) on the server...list

GiveawayCord's Widget Failed to Load GiveawayCord

Copyright © NotMarx 2020